Human Teeth – Human Body GK Questions

Human Body GK Questions on Teeth – Here in this post we have discussed about human body related GK questions on the topic ‘Human Teeth’. Here we have covered topics like types of teeth, total number of teeth found in humans, functions of teeth, layers of teeth, dental tissues, and many more.

Human Body GK Questions – Human Teeth

# How many types of teeth are found in humans?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 9
Ans. b
> Types are – Premolars, Molars, Canines and Incisors

# How many total teeth are found in humans?
a. 16
b. 32
c. 48
d. 20
Ans. b

# Adult humans generally have how many Molar teeth?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 6
d. 12
Ans. d

# Adult humans generally have how many Canine teeth?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 12
Ans. b

# Adult humans generally have how many Premolar teeth?
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 16
Ans. c

# Adult humans generally have how many Incisor teeth?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
Ans. d

# Which teeth help the tongue to swallow food?
a. Premolars
b. Canines
c. Incisors
d. Molars
Ans. d
> It break the food into smaller pieces and make it easier to swallow

Human Body Questions Answers – Human Teeth

# The study of Teeth is called?
a. Ornithology
b. Entomology
c. Nephrology
d. Odontology
Ans. d

# Which teeth is generally used for ripping and tearing food like meat?
a. Molars
b. Premolars
c. Incisors
d. Canines
Ans. d

# Which teeth is generally used for biting/cutting the food?
a. Canines
b. Premolars
c. Incisors
d. Molars
Ans. c

# Which teeth is generally used for grinding and crushing the food?
a. Premolars
b. Molars
c. Incisors
d. Canines
Ans. b

# Which teeth is the strongest teeth in human mouth?
a. Premolars
b. Canines
c. Incisors
d. Molars
Ans. d

# Which teeth is generally used for chewing and crushing the food?
a. Premolars
b. Molars
c. Canines
d. Incisors
Ans. a

# Set of teeth that falls between the age of 6 to 8 years of a child are?
a. Molar teeth
b. Milk teeth
c. Enamel teeth
d. Premolar teeth
Ans. b

# How many Milk teeth are found?
a. 18
b. 20
c. 22
d. 25
Ans. b

# After the fall of Milk teeth, which teeth comes?
a. Molar teeth
b. Permanent teeth
c. Premolar teeth
d. Incisor teeth
Ans. b

# Which teeth are known as Eye teeth?
a. Molars
b. Incisors
c. Canines
d. Premolars
Ans. c

GK Questions About Human Body – Teeth

# Which substance covers the root of the teeth?
a. Enamel
b. Cementum
c. Pulp
d. Dentin
Ans. b

# The outermost layer of the teeth is called?
a. Dentin
b. Molar
c. Enamel
d. Cementum
Ans. c

# Which is the hardest layer of teeth?
a. Dentin
b. Enamel
c. Root
d. Cementum
Ans. b

# Which is the hardest substance in human body?
a. Skull bones
b. Tooth enamel
c. Nose bone
d. Knee cap
Ans. b

# Which is the largest dental tissue?
a. Enamel
b. Cementum
c. Gums
d. Dentin
Ans. d

# The teeth enamel is made up of?
a. Calcium Carbonate
b. Calcium Phosphate
c. Copper
d. Potassium
Ans. b

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