Rivers of the World GK Questions Answers

Rivers of the World – In this post we have discussed some important GK questions on rivers of world which are repeated every time in exam. Here we have covered world river topics like largest river in the world, longest river in the world, river nearby city, Amazon river, Nile river, longest river in Europe, widest river, length of rivers, rivers in Asia, largest lake, canals, dams, and many more.

Rivers of the World GK Questions Answers

Q. Which river became the first in the world to get legal rights like human being?
a. Amazon river
b. Whanganui river
c. Lena river
d. Yellow river
Ans. b
> Whanganui river is in North Island of New Zealand

Q. Which is the largest river in the world?
a. Nile river
b. Amazon river
c. Mississippi river
d. Danube river
Ans. b
> Amazon river is in South America

Q. Which is the longest river in the world?
a. Amazon river
b. Nile river
c. Ganga river
d. Godavari river
Ans. b
> Nile river is in Africa

Q. Where is Mekong delta located?
a. Myanmar
b. Thailand
c. Cambodia
d. Vietnam
Ans. d

Q. What is the total length of Amazon river?
a. 6600 km
b. 6400 km
c. 6500 km
d. 6700 km
Ans. b

Q. Where is the Amazon river? (in which continent)
a. Europe
b. South America
c. North America
d. Antarctica
Ans. b

Q. From the following which process takes place during the younger stage of a river?
a. Valley deepening
b. Valley widening
c. River rejuvenating
d. Meandering
Ans. a

Q. Where is the Yangtze river?
a. Pakistan
b. North America
c. China
d. Africa
Ans. c

GK Questions on Rivers of World

Q. Which of the following countries has no rivers?
a. United Kingdom
b. United States
c. Saudi Arabia
d. Russia
Ans. c

Q. Which river carries the most water in the world?
a. Amazon river
b. Congo river
c. Yangtze river
d. Orinoco river
Ans. a

Q. Which of the following rivers crosses the Equator two times?
a. Niger river
b. Congo river
c. Nile river
d. Amazon river
Ans. b

Q. From the following which is the longest river in Europe?
a. Ural river
b. Danube river
c. Dnipro river
d. Volga river
Ans. d

Q. From the following which river is the widest river of the world?
a. Irtysh river
b. Congo river
c. Yellow river
d. Amazon river
Ans. d

Q. Which city is located at the mouth of the Yangtze river (China)?
a. Shanghai
b. Guangzhou
c. Lhasa
d. Beijing
Ans. a

Q. What is the total length of the Nile river?
a. 6500 km
b. 6650 km
c. 6600 km
d. 6700 km
Ans. b

Q. Which one is the largest Lake in the world (in terms of surface area)?
a. Lake Huron
b. Lake Superior
c. Caspian Sea
d. Lake Tanganyika
Ans. c

World Rivers GK Questions Answers

Q. Which river flows through Russia and falls in the Caspian sea?
a. Oka river
b. Kama river
c. Volga river
d. Don river
Ans. c

Q. The longest river in Asia is?
a. Yenisei river
b. Nile river
c. Yangtze river
d. Amazon river
Ans. c
> Yangtze river is in China

Q. From the following which is the 2nd largest river in Europe which also flows through 10 countries?
a. Rhine river
b. Volga river
c. Danube river
d. Douro river
Ans. c

Q. Which of the following river does not drain into Black sea?
a. Volga river
b. Don river
c. Danube river
d. Dnieper river
Ans. a

Q. From the following which is the longest river in United Kingdom?
a. Wye river
b. Thames river
c. Trent river
d. Severn river
Ans. d

Q. Amazon river flows through which of the following country?
a. Brazil
b. USA
c. France
d. Canada
Ans. a

Q. From the following which river is called Sorrow of China?
a. Chang Jiang
b. Hwang Ho
c. Yangtze
d. Xi Jiang
Ans. b

Q. Where is the Panama Canal?
a. Between North America and South America
b. Between North America and Canada
c. Between North America and Greenland
d. Between South America and Cuba
Ans. a

Q. Panama Canal connects which two oceans?
a. Indian ocean and Arabian ocean
b. Atlantic ocean and Pacific ocean
c. Pacific ocean and Arabian sea
d. Atlantic ocean and Caribbean sea
Ans. b

Major Rivers in the World GK Quiz

Q. Where is Suez Canal?
a. Between Europe and Africa
b. Between Africa and Asia
c. Between South America and Cuba
d. Between North America and Greenland
Ans. b

Q. From the following which polluted Italian river discharges arsenic into sea?
a. Danube river
b. Volga river
c. Po river
d. Nelson river
Ans. c

Q. The area which is drained by a river is called?
a. Waterfall
b. Estuary
c. River Basin
d. Delta
Ans. c

Q. From the following which are the two longest rivers in Europe?
a. Volga and Danube
b. Volga and Po
c. Danube and Po
d. Western Dvina and Po
Ans. a

Q. From the following which one is the greatest natural wonders on the earth that was cut by Colorado river?
a. The Grand Canyon
b. The Alps
c. The Himalayas
d. The Everest
Ans. a

Q. Kariba Dam is located on which river?
a. St. Lawrence
b. Zambezi
c. Mississippi
d. Orange river
Ans. b

Q. The river Niger ends into?
a. Gulf of Guinea
b. Gulf of Mannar
c. Atlantic ocean
d. North sea
Ans. a

Q. Who became the first European to reach the mouth of famous Congo river?
a. Nelson
b. Diogo Cao
c. Jens Munk
d. Columbus
Ans. b

Q. A low plain that form at river’s mouth is called?
a. Estuary
b. River Basin
c. Back waters
d. Delta
Ans. d

Q. Where does Zambezi river originates?
a. Amazon forests
b. Zambia
c. Rocky Mountains
d. Mountains of Lesotho
Ans. b

India GK Questions Answers