General Science Questions Answers MCQ

General Science Questions Answers – Here in this class we have discussed some important exam oriented Science general knowledge questions answers. The topics which are covered here are human heart, chemical process, measuring instrument, atom, nucleus, human body, bones, muscles, RBC, pH, Earth gk, chemical symbols of elements, and many more.

General Science Questions Answers

Q. Which of the following is used with iron to make it rust free?
a. Tin
b. Carbon
c. Aluminium
d. Chromium
Ans. d
> Chromium is mixed with iron to make it rust-free and it is known as stainless steel

Q. How many chambers are there in human heart?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 5
d. 3
Ans. b
> Note – The four chambers are – Left Ventricle, Right Ventricle, Right Atrium, Left Atrium

Q. By which process water can be separated from alcohol in a water-alcohol mixture?
a. Distillation
b. Evaporation
c. Sublimation
d. Decantation
Ans. a
> Note – Distillation is a process in which pure liquid is separated from a mixture of liquids

Q. Who among the following declared earlier than Newton about the gravitation force of earth?
a. Varahamihira
b. Aryabhatta
c. Buddhagupta
d. Brahmagupta
Ans. d

Q. Pyrometer is used to measure?
Ans. High temperature like in furnaces and kilns.
> Note – It is used to measure the temperature of objects and surfaces in a wide range of temperatures, often in industrial applications.

Q. Ammeter is used to measure?
Ans. Current in a circuit

Q. Anemometer is used to measure?
Ans. Speed of the wind
> It is also a common weather station instrument

Q. Earth’s escape velocity is?
a. 15 km/sec
b. 7 km/sec
c. 11.2 km/sec
d. 9 km/sec
Ans. c
> Note – Escape velocity is the lowest velocity needed to escape the gravitational attraction

Q. Body muscle fatigue can be caused by collection of which type of acid in body?
a. Uric acid
b. Lactic acid
c. Benzoic acid
d. Pyruvic acid
Ans. b

Q. Which of the following is the constituents of Atomic Nucleus?
a. Proton and Neutron
b. Electron and Proton
c. Proton, Neutron and Electron
d. Electron and Neutron
Ans. a
> Note – Proton and Neutron are present in Nucleus
> Electrons are present in external part

General Science GK Questions Answers

Q. From which part of plant we get Turmeric?
a. Flower
b. Stem
c. Root
d. Fruit
Ans. b
> Note – Scientific name of Turmeric is Curcuma Longa

Q. Which of the following is used in preservation of foods?
a. Sodium chloride
b. Potassium chloride
c. Citric acid
d. Sodium benzoate
Ans. d

Q. The tissue which connects bones and muscles?
a. Ligament
b. Cartilage
c. Tendon
d. Interstitial fluid
Ans. c

Q. Which vitamin is easily manufactured in human body?
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin D
c. Vitamin B
d. Vitamin E
Ans. b

Q. Non-sticky Kitchenware are generally coated with which of the following ?
a. Teflon
b. Oxygen
c. Graphite
d. PVC
Ans. a

Q. Hemoglobin is a type of?
a. Protein
b. Vitamin
c. Carbohydrate
d. Fat
Ans. a
> Note – Hemoglobin is found in RBC (Red Blood Cells)
> Our blood has red colour due to Hemoglobin
> Hemoglobin transport/carries oxygen from the lungs to rest of body

Q. Which among the following is a scaler quantity?
a. Force
b. Displacement
c. Velocity
d. Volume
Ans. d
> Note – Force, Displacement, Velocity are vector quantity

Q. pH value of Human blood is?
a. 7.2
b. 6.4
c. 6.6
d. 7.4
Ans. d

Q. The study of Flowers is called?
a. Agrostology
b. Agriculture
c. Anthology
d. Floriculture
Ans. d

General Science Questions Answers

General Science MCQ Questions Answers

Q. The Tomato has red colour due to?
a. Lycopene
b. Capsaicin
c. Xanthophyll
Ans. a

Q. The chemical name of Milk of Magnesia is?
a. Calcium hydroxide
b. Magnesium hydroxide
c. Sodium bicarbonate
d. Magnesium carbonate
Ans. b

Q. Instrument used to measure Blood pressure?
a. Sphygmomanometer
b. Hygrometer
c. Barometer
d. Seismograph
Ans. a

Q. Instrument which is used to measure sound under water?
a. Odometer
b. Phonogram
c. Hygrometer
d. Hydrophone
Ans. d

Q. What is the full form of pH?
Ans. Potential of Hydrogen

Q. What is the smallest unit of matter?
a. Nucleus
b. Atom
c. Byte
d. Proton
Ans. b

Q. Plants lose water vapour through small openings of their leaves. This process is called?
a. Evaporation
b. Condensation
c. Transpiration
d. Cosmology
Ans. c

Q. What is the study of Earth’s weather and atmosphere?
a. Oceanography
b. Meteorology
c. Geology
d. Astrology
Ans. b

Q. Which planet in our solar system is known for its prominent rings?
a. Uranus
b. Saturn
c. Neptune
d. Jupiter
Ans. b

Q. What is the chemical symbol of Tin?
a. Fe
b. Pb
c. K
d. Sn
Ans. d

Q. What is the chemical symbol of Lead?
a. Mg
b. Hg
c. Pb
d. Ag
Ans. c

Q. What is the chemical symbol of Manganese?
a. Mg
b. Mn
c. Si
d. Cu
Ans. b

Science General Knowledge Questions Answers

Q. Volt is the unit of?
a. Electric current
b. Electric potential
c. Electrical resistance
d. None of these
Ans. b

Q. Ohm is the unit of?
a. Electric current
b. Electric pressure
c. Electrical resistance
d. None of these
Ans. c

Q. Study of fossils and ancient life forms?
a. Paleontology
b. Petrology
c. Geology
d. Anthropology
Ans. a
> Note – Study of rocks is called Petrology

Q. Which gas is used in balloon to make them float in the air?
a. Nitrogen
b. Hydrogen
c. Helium
d. Oxygen
Ans. c

Q. The study of earthquakes and the earth’s crust is called?
a. Volcanology
b. Seismology
c. Meteorology
d. Oceanology
Ans. b

Q. What is the scientific name of Mango?
a. Cocos Nucifera
b. Magnifera Indica
c. Musa Paradisiaca Linn
d. None of these
Ans. b
> Note – Cocos Nucifera is the scientific name of Coconut

Q. The weight of human brain is?
a. 1634 gm
b. 1424 gm
c. 1495 gm
d. 1724 gm
Ans. b

Q. The process by which milk is converted into curd is called?
a. Pasteurisation
b. Fermentation
c. Condensation
d. Sublimation
Ans. b
> Note – Bacteria which is helpful in the process is Lactobacillus

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