Welcome to AniCow.com!
Please note that the content on this blog including articles, links, texts, images, and graphics is only meant for information and knowledge purpose. The content on our blog is based on personal experiences, online research, and information available at public domain.
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While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information; we make no representations or warranties of any kind of completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the information, products and services as mentioned here.
We are a group of individual freelance writers who are internet savvy and share our knowledge and opinion views here in form of articles. The main objective for running this blog is to provide information, knowledge, internet help and guide.
All the articles written here are based on our personal choices, preferences and likes; which may differ from others. So, always treat this blog as an informational blog only.
Personal Responsibility
AniCow.com shall not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the use or reliance on the information presented here. The contents given here are only for knowledge and information.
Our content is created with the intention of providing information, value, inspiration, and insight to our readers; however, it should not be considered a substitute for professional advice or guidance.
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AniCow.com may engage in affiliate marketing, which means we may earn a commission if you purchase a product, material, or get a service through our affiliate link. This comes at no extra cost to you and helps support the maintenance of this blog. We only recommend products and services that we genuinely believe will add value to our readers.
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Our blog may contain links to external websites (for references) that are not maintained by us. We do not guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any information on these external websites.
Content Disclaimer
AniCow.com is an informational blog where you can read about online reviews, best brands, top list, top companies, best websites and internet guide. AniCow.com does not belongs to any private, public, or government body. This blog is maintained by a group of freelance individuals who are internet savvy and prefer to read and write about different reviews.
The data, figures, topics, facts, numbers, and other information given here may not be 100% accurate, therefore treat this blog as an informational blog only.
Our guide and reviews are based on the information available on public domain from the internet. We recommend conducting your own research and considering multiple sources before making any choice or decision.
We aim to keep our content updated, but we cannot guarantee that all information and reviews will remain current and updated. Therefore, we encourage you to verify details directly before your final decision. However we try our level best to upgrade our content and reviews with latest updated information.
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All the images here are collected from free stock image sites like ShutterStock, Pixabay, 123rf, iStock, Freepik, Google images and other internet sources. We do not claim any ownership and copyright authority of any of the images given here.
All the copyright aurthority of images and graphics given here rests with their respective owners. If you are the owner of any of the images and graphics given here, and want us to remove it from here, then reply us at [email protected], our team will remove it asap!
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We have to maintain expenses like domain renewal charge, hosting renewal charge, online marketing fees, digital marketing tools expense, content writing charge, and other maintenance expenses.
We earn from sources like cpc networks, affiliates, and guest posts. We bear all our expenses from these earning sources.
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All the guest posts published here are valid for 12 months from the date of publication. After every 12 months a renewal price is required to be paid. The charges may vary as per time tenure, product niche, content type, and blog placements. We do not provide any type of permanent guest post or ads placement here.
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We reserve the right to change the content, focus of our blog, shut it down, sell it, or change the terms of use at our discretion.
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